All affairs related to parking management on the main campus of the university are processed by the
Traffic Subsection of the General Service Division(Chinese Web). The office is located
on the Ground Floor of the Administration Building, Tel : 02-3366-3691.
Please keep your vehicles inside the grids as campus security will give tickets to all vehicles violating the traffic rules. You have to visit the Campus Security in person if your vehicle has been clamped(Ground Floor, Jan Shu Hall, Zhou-Shan Road).
Please keep your bicycles(including YouBike you rented)in the grids or on the bicycle stands as violation of the parking rules is a serious offence and your bicycle will be towed away. If your bicycle has been towed away please enquire at the Bicycle Pound(Chinese Web). TEL : 02-3366-9529.
For vehicle management on the campuses of the College of Medicine, and the College of Public Health, please consult the General Affairs Division of the College of Medicine(Chinese Web) .